Is Think And Grow Rich A Scam Or Not?

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Is Think And Grow Rich A Scam Or Not?









*Note: At the end of this article you can download the Think and Grow Rich PDF for free with no email required!

Did you know there is a Think and Grow Rich Legacy Movie?
You can watch it here

It is funny because when I got started with my online business my friends and family and the people
around me really had no interest in building online businesses.

Of course, when I got started there were not as many solutions available as today so I turned to
my bookshelf, other blogs, audiobooks, and of course podcasts.

I remember that one of the first books that I turned to in order to find out more about how to build a successful business was the “Think and Grow Rich” book. It was written in 1937 by Napoleon Hill.

The book is very dear to my heart because in Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill teaches what is called the 13 steps to riches. In his book, he claims that these 13 steps are the true secret to building wealth.

I still remember that I was very intrigued by this claim. I also remember that I went from front to back for one night without sleep because the book really consumed me.

I kept a journal back in the time and remember writing down my favorite quotes that came right from the book.

I am including my favorite ones right here in this post.

Napoleon Hill claimed that he learned all the 13 steps to riches from Andrew Carnegie.

Napoleon Hill actually worked with Carnegie for two decades and at that time Andrew Carnegie was actually one of the wealthiest men in the world.

According to Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie shared all his secrets to success with him.

He also connected Hill with over 500 of the most successful business people in the world.

Here is a list of those business people including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell, and many more and these are the people that he learned the secrets from that he later shared in his book.

20 years later, Hill turned the secrets he has been learning during his work
with Carnegie and his wealthy friends.

He outlined all these secrets in Think and Grow Rich. The 13 steps do include popular psychological principles, just like desire, imagination, creativity, and persistence like never giving up following one’s dreams, as well as the more unconventional principles, for example, the power of mastermind
(he called this principle “mastermind” at the time). Funny thing because today we are writing this
conceptual word in just one word.

Another unconventional principle he was talking about is the mystery of sex transmutation which sounds really weird, but you gotta read the book to understand the full meaning!

Go check out the book here!

Talking about anything that had to do with sex was a tabu back then and therefore not many folks talked about the sex transmutation chapter of his book.

However, if you do understand the deeper meaning of it, this chapter is a pretty interesting one.
Here is the gist of it. Hill claimed that people with the most successes had strong sex drives.

Those people had the strongest abilities and disciplines to self-control themselves and to react to their sexual urges by engaging in non-sexual, but productive actions. Those people were the ones who were able to successfully and productively exercise, eat better, and work harder. Why? They were better at things in order to impress the object of their desire.

Wow! What a revealing Secret to Success, right!

In his experience unsuccessful people with low abilities and low disciplines just had little self-control
over themselves and therefore react differently to sexual urges. In his mind, those people reacted with destructive physical expressions to sexual urges.

There is so much more info in his book and let alone other 12 steps or secrets that he found out to be the true reasons for riches and I can’t get into all of it, but I highly recommend it to everyone who is interested in human psychology, how to become rich and successful at anything.

Let’s forward 80 Years…Millions of Lives have been changed by reading these secrets.

When the book Think and Grow Rich first hit the stores in 1937, only 5,000 copies were released.

Consumers were able to get a copy for $1.50. The book included a sheet to order more.

Here is a picture of this sheet.








In 1937 Think And Grow Rich flew off the shelves. Until today, millions of books have been sold, and millions of people’s lives have been changed for the better, too!

This book is such an important piece of human literary history that an original 1937 first-printed copy
now is worth between 2,500 and 4,500 dollars. Can you imagine this?

When I got my copy, I remember that I paid way less than that and so can you.

Unless of course, you want to grab the first printed version of the book.

In fact, keep reading this post because I am going to give you the exact copy of the original book
Think and Grow Rich for absolutely free at the end of this blog post. Yes, for absolutely FREE!

A business partner of mine actually paid 3,000 dollars for this first printed version a couple of years ago.

Nuts, I know, but he is a true fan of Napoleon Hill so who can blame him!

Watching people like my friends spend thousands on a first printed version just speaks volumes.

It tells us just about how important this book has been to successful folks because otherwise people
wouldn’t pay up to 4,500 dollars for an original version.

I mean my friend knew he could get a free copy of Think and Grow Rich, but he bought the original version for his library anyways.

Get your own Free copy right here!

In the last part of the post, I just want to get into the part where I want to tell you about my own experience with How Think and Grow Rich Changed My Life for the better.

I love the book and I already told you my story of how I got involved with it in the beginning, but
when I think about how the book changed my life there are only 2 things that stick out above all.

The first thing is that it changed my life because I was applying Hill’s 13 steps to riches in my daily lifestyle.

I am not only talking about my business lifestyle. I am talking about everything I was doing: workout, eating habits, relationship, you know the usual suspects!

The power of the mastermind, however, had a particularly strong impact on my lifestyle.

The definition of a mastermind is that a group of two or more people gather together and have one goal and that is to work together to help each other reach that set goal. In a mastermind, each participant benefits from the education, the experience, the influence, the creativity, the perspective, and other characteristics of the other participants.

A mastermind helps every participant to accomplish more faster and more productive than alone.

The principle of a mastermind just changed my whole life. In fact, it has been probably the most powerful of the 13 steps in the past 80 years for people because more and more people (especially in business settings) have been experiencing the power of a mastermind group.

The second way the book has changed my whole life is more directly related to my online business.
I really took the connection part taught by Hill and have connected myself with successful people until today.

When I got started with my online I had no program to follow (because there was no quality program like today) and therefore decided to model Millionaires and the Rich.

I decided, just like Hill did, to interview rich influential people with online businesses at that time and I released a membership site where beginners just like me were able to learn from modeling the rich and famous.

Until today I made many friends just by connecting and learning from them.

This is how I have been learning the business and after a while, I became really good at it and considering that I had no real successful friends before and the people around me really were not interested in starting an online business, the lessons I learned from those interviews with the rich and famous really shaped my business and personal life to a whole new level. This success principle of modeling and connecting with the rich and famous has not only shaped me and my business, but also those around me.

Today I am still continuing with this principle to listen for advice and I only choose to surround myself with successful people.

In turn, I am able to help my audience build their businesses by learning from those who have done it before me.

It is just the most amazing concept to me and that is why I wanted to share it with all of you.

Needless to say, it is thanks to Hill’s Think and Grow Rich that I have been able to be influenced
in the most positive way and I have been able to influence others in the most positive way.

The whole idea is a win-win situation.

Many negative people still think Napoleon Hill was a Fraud, but with everything in life, there will always be whiners and no-sayers. Those are the people who will never succeed with anything in life. Remember, these are the people that Hill called out in one of his chapters that I was telling you about above.

A business friend once sent me an article titled “Napoleon Hill The Greatest Self-Help Scammer of All Time.”

Well, first of all, we all know that the media loves this kind of dramatized title intriguing people to read the article.

From a personal perspective, I might add, the article does suggest Hill was an abusive father, a violent husband, and a polygamist, and he was broke.


Professionally, the article further says Hill was a fraud, a con-artist, and a liar. It further suggests
that almost every principle Hill claimed was a lie. The article then says there is no record of Hill
actually meeting any of these successful people that Hill claimed to have met and learned and modeled from.

There is one exception and that is when he Hill gave an award to Thomas Edison (who then later returned the award).

Wow?! That’s a bummer after all his book did for me and so many other successful people.

Even I started wondering whether or not I had been scammed. I researched the article closer
and even found out that it was a very well researched article and it was published on a very reputable site.

I decided, therefore, to share this article with some of my business friends who were all influenced
by Hill’s book and I asked them for their opinion.

Most of them told me that the article did not matter to them. All it mattered, in the end, was the success and how their lives had been changed for the better.

We were all pretty surprised by this article because none of us had heard any negative history
about Hill before.

Here is the thing so. If the article’s claims are true or not at the end of the day
the only thing that matters are the results and it is true that Think and Grow Rich has changed
millions of lives.

Whether or not these concepts came from actual rich people, or if they came from reading about them through interviews only, relationships with normal people, studies, experience, or theory, the fact is his principles are working because they are universal principles about how humans tick.

Even if Hill was not the best example of putting these 13 steps of the Riches to good use himself in his own relationships.

In my book, it is true that is would be a horrible thing to be a bad father and husband, but
the fact is that his book enjoys 80 years of life-changing influence on people and it is
one of the most recommended books by the millionaires themselves which is the reason
why I will continue to recommend his book to anyone looking to start a successful business
online or offline.

I will also continue to build my own information by connecting with like-minded people and asking
the most successful people in business today about their experiences and then model their successes.

In my personal experience, the information that I have gathered over the years supports all of
the 13 steps to Riches, and especially the one that talks about the power of using a mastermind. I am using a mastermind for all aspects of my life and it has just been a blessing for my own development and that of my family.

The mastermind concept has been proven by other successful people time and time again, too!

Now it is your turn to decide if you want to have a read of Think and Grow Rich for yourself in order
to see for yourself what it does.

If you read Think and Grow Rich let me know below in the comments how it has changed your life?
Furthermore, do you think it is a scam, and what is your overall experience with it?

If you have not read it, here is a Think and Grow Rich copy that you can download for absolutely free. Just click here Now!

Think and Grow Rich is completely free and I even don’t ask for your email! 🙂

Did you know there is a Think and Grow Rich Legacy Movie?
You can watch it here

Get your free copy of Think & Grow Rich here!

Cheers, see you the next time.
#Stay Strong 🙂
The Invested Girl






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